From: Gail Baerecke <manager@playersfund.>
Sent: 05 March 2020 15:00
To: Steed Richardson <steed@rugbytots.>
Subject: Impact Report
Dear Steed,
I hope that you are well.
We are very proud to be emailing you our “hot off the press” Impact Report for 2019. This is also a special year for us as we commemorate 40 years of being Rugby’s Caring Hands (1980 – 2020).
As a valuable member of our #supportsquad, we hope that you enjoy the report, and please feel free to pass it on to anyone you think might be interested.
Happy reading!
Warm wishes
Gail Baerecke
General Manager
Tel : (+27) 21 659 5615
f: /Playersfund | t : /playersfund | w :
This entry was posted on 5th March 2021.